
Monday, December 09, 2002

# Posted 3:59 PM by Ariel David Adesnik  

BILLION DOLLAR CHEAP SHOT: American prejudice damage US relations with the UN as much as UN intransigence does. Josh asks what good the UN is if it shamelessly asks for American cash while its inspectors withhold critical information from the US government. Then, when the inspectors back down and share that information, Josh frames it as a surrender to tough but justified American demands.

Well, that's not the real story. Two days ago, Hans Blix asked the US government to provide him with intelligence about Iraqi weapons programs in order to facilitate UN inspections. It's no secret that the Bush administration has done virtually nothing to ensure the inspections' success. As I see it, Blix threatened to withhold his own inside information in order to let the US know that it should treat him fairly. When Blix "backed down" today it wasn't because of American demands. It's because all he ever intended to do was send a message.

Now consider this: Blix let the US have the only existing copy of Iraq's declaration. While the permanent members of the Security Council will get to see full copies, the rest of the Security Council won't. Expect to see the usual complaints in the European media about American domination of the UN. Of course, such accusations are no more valid than trite American dismissals of the UN's merit as an institution. But such constant accusations from both sides do considerable damage to the UN and its ability to be a functional mediator in international disputes. Remember, this is not the perspective of the left. Rather, it is America's president who declared himself committed to working with the United Nations despite his full awareness of all its drawbacks.
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